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The Movie: Cosmopolis

The Hype: "David Cronenberg"; "Robert Pattinson, Sex, and Dinosaurs."

The Setup: That brooding vampire boy from Twilight ends up in a dystopian world that more or less resembles Escape from New York but in 2012. He is in bed with a topless woman who points a gun at his head. He is surprisingly untroubled by this. Then he shoots his own hand, sits alone in a nightclub, and drives around a city teeming with dinosaurs. There are many guns and naked women. People probably die. Maybe even the guy from Twilight, finally.

What You Should Expect to See: Rob Pattinson, still brooding. Juliette Binoche, still somewhere between cloying and charming. David Cronenberg going back to his roots of completely outlandish science-fiction. Eye-stabbing.

What You Should Not: Praise of the film's sleek subtlety.

Likelihood You'll Actually See It: Do you like sci-fi movies with the violence turned up a bit? Do you like David Cronenberg movies? Parables about the ruins of our modern world? Are you invested in the unpredictable career of Robert Pattinson for some inexplicable reason? If so, high.
