Emma Vieceli's Inky Tasty

~BREAKS ~ emmavieceli ~ 



Well, this evening I’ll post up the very last episode of Malin and my web series, BREAKS, over on tapas. It’s been around ten years since we started writing this story, maybe longer! We first uploaded a chapter in Feb 2014 on Smackjeeves before switching to Tapas in 2015. An upload nearly every single week since…and the story ends today. It feels mad!! Some of you have been with us all that time and that blows my gratitude mind! If you feel up to it, please do make a noise today/this week. I have no idea how to promote the ending of something that’s been with me so long. But more eyes on us can only help, eh? xxIt also means….It’s a good time to dive and binge read if you’re curious The ending will go up this evening around 6pm GMT when I’ll be holding a drop-in discord session!https://tapas.io/series/BREAKS/info

Head to my instagram post via the link for details and entry! I’m chuffed to be able to team up with graphixly to offer this. ^_^

Anonymous asked:

Hi can i get your instagram or twiter to ask you a question ?

Hi there! I’m just plain Emmavieceli on both I think.



Well, this is it. I know I dont use this account much (you can find me on twitter @Emmavieceli or my website at www.emmavieceli.com) but I can’t not share this here today.
We have reached the end of our journey. I’ve not seen the issue myself yet, but I know it’s out there. Our four issues became twenty-four. A couple of months became almost a few years. Through pandemic, political idiocy and war we were still given the chance to tell this full story and today it comes to an end. It feels odd to talk about stories in the world right now, but maybe times like this are when we need those stories the most.

Thank you to my amazing art team, Claudia Leonardi and Andrea Izzo, to Jimmy Betancourt for lettering, to my editors, Andrew, Tolly and Phoebe and everyone at @titancomics, to the @lifeisstrange-blog team at Square Enix….and to everyone who has read the comics, reviewed, promoted, joined the conversation or offered amazing creative responses. You’ve made this journey pretty special and I’m emotional to reach its end.



I want to keep all of it

Awww, love it. ^_^



finally had time to read the lis comic and i loved it!!!!

pricefield is living in my head rent free again lol

i’ll problably do more this week

Gorgeous! ^-^


I waited to get LIS: ture colors until it was on sale last year and it accidentally got me re-addicted to Life is Strange again, especially after inhaling the comic which i didn’t even know EXISTED. Ready or not I’m here to make it everyone’s problem.

Well these are lovely, from @sango-blep 🦋