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I have to be the best. I am the best. I’m quick. I’m strong. I’m smart. I’m the star keeper of my high school soccer team, and I’ve got major leagues scouting me. As their captain, my teammates will do anything I say – on or off the field. Girls practically beg to be added to my list of conquests. As long as I manage to go pro for the best team in the world, I won’t have to worry about my father’s wrath.

I’m Thomas Malone, and I’ve seen to it that the world revolves around me.

There’s a new girl at school, and it’s just a matter of time before she gives in to my charm. This one’s just a little more stubborn than most – she won’t even tell me her name! She’s smart, too. Maybe too smart. I can’t let her in. I can’t let anybody in. I’m not too worried, but even I have to admit she’s interfering with my focus on the goal.
Dad’s not going to be happy about that.

Did I mention I love Shakespeare? Yeah, I know. I’m a walking contradiction. According to the Bard, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Somehow, I got all three.

Now how is anyone supposed to live up to that?

491 pages

First published May 30, 2011

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About the author

Shay Savage

45 books3,744 followers
Shay Savage is an independent author from Cincinnati, Ohio, where she lives with her family and a variety of household pets. She is an accomplished public speaker and holds the rank of Distinguished Toastmaster from Toastmasters International. Her hobbies include off-roading in her big, yellow Jeep, science fiction in all forms, and soccer. Savage holds a degree in psychology, and she brings a lot of that knowledge into the characters within her stories.

From the author: “It’s my job to make you FEEL. That doesn’t always mean you’ll feel good, but I want my readers to be connected enough to my characters to care.”

Savage’s books many books span a wide variety of topics and sub-genres with deeply flawed characters. From cavemen to addicts to hitmen, you’ll find yourself falling for these seemingly irredeemable characters!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 526 reviews
August 8, 2014
5 Rumple Stars

Before I start my review, I'd like to clear something up. Yes, Offside by Shay Savage is fanfic based on Twilight. My thoughts on that? I honestly feel like this book could hold it's own without all the Twilight references because quite frankly it was bloody fantastic. But everyone gets their inspiration from somewhere and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Now I'm done with that tidbit.

About The Story

So you know that little exercise they make you do in the debate society? You choose a topic and you have two people, one's against it and the other is for it. So if you're for it, you have to speak against it and vice versa. So that's what I did with this book.

You won't really enjoy this book if you don't like the following:
1. Fanfics
2. Angsty high school dramas
3. Arrogant, promiscuous etc heroes
4. Sorry the heroine is pretty feisty and stands up for herself :D
5. Did I mention drama?

I pretty much fell in love with the characters in this book from the beginning. Thomas Malone, is a star athlete. He plays goalie for his high school soccer team, and he's also pretty good, people have even gone as far as saying he's a sport prodigy. He's mother died in a car accident when he was younger and it's been just him and his Dad ever since. At school he's the arrogant ladies man, everyone respects him and if they don't they're afraid of him because of the clout his Dad has in their town. He meets Nicole when he bumps into her after a game, she makes an impression and he can't stop thinking about her. She's the first girl he's ever had to chase after, the first girl who wouldn't tell him her name.

Nicole Skye, just moved from Minneapolis to live with her father, who's the town sheriff. She's very secretive about her past and you don't really know much about her until you're well into the book. I think the fact that the book is solely in Thomas' POV is part of the reason. From a distance she seems like a well rounded teenage girl but she has dark secrets that she feels she could never tell anyone about. She and Thomas build a deep connection but they're both keeping stuff from each other... Thomas' Dad is quite controlling, he has a hand in every part of Thomas' life, down to who he spends his time with. His one and only goal is for Thomas to play professionally, and he'll do anything to make that happen.

I really can't say anymore because this is one those stories with twist's and turns and dramatic reveals.


How'd I feel about it?

You probably didn't know this but I love high school drama, the angst, the overly dramatic emotions, first love just everything about it. Thomas is an absolute asshole in the beginning of this book and I think a lot of people will have trouble with that, if you find yourself wanting to abandon this book because of him, don't. He changes, he's still arrogant and sometimes selfish but Nicole affected him in such a profound way. You have no idea how many times I had tears in my eyes while reading this book. I laughed too, Nicole and Thomas' banter was hilarious! Thomas, was outrageous at times, you messed with his Rumple he'll wipe the floor with you!



Some of my favourite quotes

"You are so fucking beautiful," I told her between kisses, "it fucking hurts to look at you."


In Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, Launcelot said, "but at the length truth will out." Somehow, I would have to keep her in the dark about how horrible I was.


She might not have the glamour of some model types, but she had something more natural-more undeniably feminine about her. She also had strength-not just in her body but in her spirit.


Profile Image for Mysza.
477 reviews399 followers
August 29, 2014

I loved this fanfiction story based on Twilight. The book is well written, Shay Savage did an amazing job capturing male's POV again! You might think it's YA but there were some hot sex scenes, so I'm not sure about that, not to mention that Thomas likes to talk dirty in bed. There was high school drama and angst, which I love, so naturally I loved this book. There was a lot of twists, so it sometimes felt exaggerated but everything was well put together in the end. I was utterly wooed by ending and epilogue, sweet and perfect.
The character development was good, especially when it comes to Thomas, I liked how he changed over the years.
There was a lot of references to Twilight, not annoying though but quite enjoyable. In fact they were just an addition because the story was whole lotta different. And they remided me good old times when I was still young and Team Edward proud memeber.

Thomas was an arogant, obnoxious, confident prick. He was a hot jock that ruled the school and girls seemed to queue to get to his bed. Needless to say that he didn't care about any of them, that is until he met Nicole, the only girl that gave him the cold shoulder. She became a challenge, but while trying to conquer her, he realised that she meant more to him than that.
"I wanted to know her. I wanted her to know me. Not the jerk at school. Not the guy in the tux. Not the goalie on the field. Just me. But I didn't know who that was."
They both hid secrets from each other but once they were revealed, their relationship was strong. I liked how protective and possessive Thomas was with his Rumple. God help anyone who tried to hurt her. He even cut all ties with her at some point just to protect her from his jackass father. Oh yeah, few words about dear daddy. I can't remember the character in a book that I despised more than him. The man was abusive, controlling and peremptory. He damaged Thomas in ways I had hard times to deal with.

What I liked the most was that Thomas underwent a major transformation. From cocky bastard to a respectable grown man. So if you start this book and are discouraged by his asshole way, keep reading because Thomas in the end is a completely different person. I adored him.

All I have left is to quote from the book
"Shakespeare said it best: I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks."
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,710 followers
August 6, 2014

So...I really liked this one. I was a little worried at first. A few things concerned me.

(1) The fact that it was Twilight fan fic....

Yes, there were a lot of similarities and because of that all I kept picturing were these two....

And various other scenes from the movie. It didn't really bother me, I just found it amusing. The storyline itself was different but there would be pieces here and there that you could tell came from Twilight.

(2) The fact that it took place in high school....

Yes, I am a slut and I like sex in my books. And

I am pleased to say that this book did have some sex in it. Just not nearly enough. But what was there was HOT and Thomas, our hero, was quite the dirty talker in bed.

There was some drama....some of it at times pretty immature. I had to remind myself that this story takes place in high school. And that I am 16 years removed from high school. So sometimes it's hard to relate.

It's been said many times that Shay Savage is the queen of male POV and the queen of the asshole hero. And yes, Thomas was an asshole in the first few chapters. But once he meets the heroine, Nicole, darn if I didn't fall in love with him.

Yeah, he was a bit possessive and OTT at times. Who doesn't like that every once in awhile? But he was so sweet with Nicole. It made me smile.

The first half of the book was definitely a slower pace. But things really picked around the 60% mark.

So yeah, I've told you nothing about the book. Read the blurb. I was entertained by this one. It's probably not like anything you are expecting. But I just loved Thomas. And I especially loved the ending.

Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
975 reviews1,295 followers
January 16, 2016

Author:Shay Savage
Release date: August 3, 2014
Rating:5 stars

**FYI: This is twilight fanfic, so if you aren't a fan of that, you need to be aware. It doesn't bother me, so it didn't hinder my enjoyment in the slightest.**

After reading Offside, I know without a doubt that I'll be reading more Shay Savage books. I wasn't planning on reading anything after finishing my last book. (For a few days at least...I'm a true book addict and I always manage to sneak in some time.) The last thing I expected was to start a book thinking it would be a quick and easy read, and end up so moved that I had to spend all day rehashing the plot, characters, the beautiful message and the way it was presented in such a thought provoking, riveting way. I started this last night, and once I began, all I could do was involuntarily hang on until the very end. The compulsion was too strong; it was impossible to put down.

In essense, this book contains one of the oldest plots in YA/NA: Bad boy meets good girl, he sees the error of his ways through her shining example of the strength of love and morality, decency, and integrity. But it was so much more than that. It was the struggle of a boy who lost his mother and his only guidance is his father's hateful, narcissistic, and brutal influence. His struggle to survive in the minefield that his home has become. And his struggle to earn his father's acceptance and forgiveness to relieve the heavy burden of guilt that has overtaken every moment of his life.

This boy who seems to have no redeeming qualities, who's arrogant, selfish, angry, and without a shred of honor? That's Thomas.

"My dad owns this town," I reminded him and everyone else in the room, "and I own this school, and I sure as hell own this team. Don't fucking forget it."

In the beginning chapters, I really questioned my sanity in continuing to read when I completely despised the hero. I thought to myself, "I really hate this guy. So why can't I stop?" The reason? This wasn't written in a fluffy, mindless, YA way. The writing had a depth and clarity to it that overrode my doubts. The hero was horribly flawed but humanly relatable. And his journey to redemption was slow but natural and genuine. He didn't magically have a complete personality change just because of her. It was a long road, but in the end, he he fought for every bit of peace that was earned.

Nicole is the new girl in town. She caught the eye of Thomas right from the start, but unlike all the other girls in school, she wouldn't give him the time of day. She's not fooled by his surface charm and his good looks. But her resistance only stirs his curiosity in her and the challenge she presents. She's a beautiful mystery with intelligence and strength. And he's drawn to her. This girl never gave him an inch. I loved how unimpressed she was with his status as the school soccer star and son to the mayor. She didn't care about his money or popularity and she wasn't about to let him forget it.

"Are your panties wet, Rumple?" She gasped, and I watched her hands tighten into fists as she yanked them out of my grasp. Her eyes narrowed, and Rumple's little kitten claws came out, tearing at me.
"You are the most conceited, narcissistic, obnoxious jerk I have ever met in my life!"

On the anniversary of his mother's death, she finally gets a glimpse inside Thomas' pain and his vulnerability chips away at her resistance. There were such sweet and heart melting moments between this couple. I can't explain how deeply I felt their connection. She was his life raft in the ocean of solitary loneliness he's been living in. It was so beautiful seeing him finally grasp onto the comfort and love she gave him.

And then there were some scenes that were so intense and heartbreaking, I wanted to wrap him up in my arms and comfort him.

I turned my head toward her, something inside of me letting go...giving up. I didn't know what this was, but I couldn't stop it. I buried my face against the skin of her neck and wrapped my arms around her waist.. I heard myself scream over and over again-my throat going raw from the force of it-until my body collapsed against her, and she held onto me.

Thomas and Nicole were living on borrowed time, however. His father was a maniacal, controlling, self-serving person who's only aim in life was to see his son play professional soccer and become a star. His son's love of Shakespeare, sketching, and having a girlfriend were considered a distraction from that goal.

He was willing to hurt anyone in his path, including his son, to get that.

Thomas was just waiting for the day when she would be lost to him and he didn't know how he would survive on his own again.

Strangely, the climax came at about 80% into the story. With that much of the book to go, I was puzzled how the author would wrap everything up with this pace in mind. But every bit of that last 20% was needed in order to make his path to happiness completely natural and realistic.

I loved that this book was completely in his POV and I got to see his progression and transformation the entire way through. I loved this couple's banter, their tenderness, and their endurance through some extreme struggles that only made them even stronger in the end. I loved the emotions that this book evoked and the way I left my reading experience feeling fulfilled and unable to stop thinking about my time spent within the pages. It was, in a word: fantastic. And I can't wait to read more from this author.


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Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,595 reviews4,319 followers
July 19, 2017
5 Stars (Originally Read 10/7/2014)

4 Stars (Re-Read 7/12/2017)

Overall Opinion: This was still an enjoyable read the second time around. I am dropping my rating from 5 stars to 4, however, mainly because of the pacing. It was on the longer side at 481 pages in my kindle app, and I really do think it could've been edited down. There were some things when looking back at it that weren't all that relevant or needed for the overall storyline. I did feel like it was slow at some points, and I think it might be because of those moments. I also felt like the last 15ish% was jammed packed full of things happening and time jumps. While I really do appreciate the closure on all aspects of the story (and my followers know how much I hate not having closure!), I think it was way too rushed. It was like a wham bam thank you ma'am HEA 😂

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Nicole and Thomas's story. They meet at school when they have a class together. Thomas is the star soccer player with a mayor for a dad, and Nicole is the mysterious new girl. Thomas is instantly drawn to her, and can't get her out of his head -- which is something new for him. The more time they spend together, the more their feelings get stronger and they fall in love. There is some major family conflicts going on, a few cute and funny moments, as well as a few sexy times...and they get a HEA ending.

POV: This was told in Thomas's POV -- which I think this author does really well btw!

Overall Pace of Story: My biggest issue with the book. It felt slow at times, and then towards the end it felt rushed and jam packed full of things happening. I never skimmed though.

Instalove: No, but instant connection and instalust.

H rating: 4 stars. Thomas. I liked him. He was a major douche and completely unlovable at first, but he grew on me and I really liked how he cared for the h.

h rating: 4 stars. Nicole. I liked her. I appreciated how she didn't let the H get away with his typical act with her.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed (but I do remember tearing up a few times the first time I read it).

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not many scenes and it doesn't takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

Safe sex: Yes and no

OW/OM drama: Yes, but mild

Sex scene with OW or OM: Yes

Cheating: No

Separation: Yes

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had pretty good closure with what I would call a HEA

How I got it: I paid $3.99 for it on Amazon back in 2014.

Safety: This one should be either Safe with exception or Not Safe for most safety gang readers depending on personal preferences.
Profile Image for Penny Well Reads.
807 reviews217 followers
August 30, 2021
Actual Rating 4.5 stars.

I really liked this book.
It made me cry like a baby, several times. It is such an emotional book. Intense.
There are many things going on, the story is not just about one things. It is definitely no just about a romance between two people. It is so much more. When I though the book had to be getting naturally towards the end, as most books would have at that point, a whole new set of circumstances happened and I realized I still had almost half a book left to read.
It was an incredible ride. I got to love the characters even though I couldn't stand Thomas at the beginning. I liked the love story, but I loved even more Thomas story. He is heartbreaking and an ass. He is so vulnerable that you want to wrap him up and take care of him despite his assholeness.

Shay Savage has done it again. It seems every time I finish a book of hers all my internal debates center on whether to give 4 or 5 stars to her book. This time, I decided on not giving the 5 stars because of a few things:
- It took me some time to get into it. Seeing how things were going at the beginning I didn't know if I would be interested enough.
- I did't really liked the few Twilight similarities, specially towards the end. I am not sure it was necessary and seemed too external.
- I can't seem to rationalized the things that happened at the end. The way their lives are wrapped up:

Anyway, I loved the book and I recommend it. I think I am just going to go ahead and read all Shay Savage's books.
Profile Image for S.M. West.
Author 38 books1,211 followers
March 17, 2015
5 My Rumple STARS

I went into this with a bit of trepidation because it was YA (not that I won't read YA but it's not my go-to, depends on the author)and it also did not seem to go with the Shay Savage that I know and love. This story just seemed so far off from Surviving Raine or her Evan Arden series. And it is!! But silly me, so is Worth and Transcendence!

Shay Savage is one brilliant author and I have loved all that I have read of hers. Her writing is superb. No matter the story, Ms. Savage has the ability to build this strong and binding connection to her characters. No matter their age or their era.

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While I know very little about soccer (I know a lot more about some of the scrumptious players than the game!), Shay made it easy to understand and also drew me in.

This was a riveting, emotional read for me. I LOVE Thomas and I loved how he grew and opened up with Nicole. This story deals with some real, tough issues but it's beautifully, maturely and realistically done. Also, as a Shakespeare fan, I was thrilled with the quotes and references throughout.

Shay Savage is one of my all time fave authors! Offside was an absolutely thrilling and heartwarming surprise!
Profile Image for Elaine.
488 reviews73 followers
August 7, 2014
5 Onside Stars
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I’m Thomas Malone, and I’ve seen to it that the world revolves around me...

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He’s smart, popular and the girls love him...he uses them to his advantage.

You see he’s the schools star soccer player. He’s being watched by soccer scouts for bigger things, he needs to focus on the game.

Then he meets Nicole his Rumple

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I wanted to know her.
I wanted her to know me.
Not the jerk at school.
Not the guy in the tux.
Not the goalie on the field.
Just me.
But I didn’t know who that was.

My thoughts.
I so enjoyed this story. Thomas was another of Shay Savage's tortured souls but although the main characters are younger, I was so totally taken with Thomas and Nicole
Told through his POV, you get a wonderful but at times heartbreaking insight to this young man.

Now Thomas is a jerk with a capital J

“My dad owns this town,” I reminded him and everyone else in the room, “and I own this school, and I sure as hell own this team. Don’t fucking forget it.”

I know...an ass...But you find out quite early on that there is so much more to this guy.

My feelings were all over the place, it was funny, emotional and at times I felt I was holding my breath with the darker side to this story and there is a darker side.

This is a wonderful, captivating story and although this is the second time I’ve read it, fanfic being the first, I loved it maybe even more this time around.

I’m a huge fan of Shay Savage’s males I make no secret of that and Thomas is without a doubt up there with the others.
 photo tumblr_mcped7gD5p1rs01w1_zpsae6f3c10.gif
Profile Image for Mariam.
300 reviews132 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
August 5, 2014
DNF at 22%
Now, I read all of Miss Savage's books and I loved all of them. I said it a million times and I'll say it again: She writes the BEST male POVs in history but unfortunately, this one just did not work for me.

The hero, Thomas, was a grade A man-whore. He already got a blowjob from a random girl within the first few pages. He was too arrogant, treated girls like shit, and bullied anyone beneath him.

Add that to the fact that the writing was so exaggerated. All the screaming, shrieking, yelling and his father's abuse. I loved this author's style of writing so much in the previous books, but this one. Goddamn. I felt like it was so shallow and immature. I don't have anything against P2P fanfics and as far as I know, most of Savage's books were originally fanfics and they were amazing.

Long story short: I did not like them. How am I suppose to read the book if I don't even like the main characters?

It was too similar to Twilight. I wished she switched things up a bit. Maybe made a college romance instead of a High School book.
The heroine, Nicole...well, I don't really have much to say about her personality. I'm not even sure if she has a personality. She just kept turning him down. He kept going after her cause he felt like she was different.
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,922 reviews32.8k followers
December 27, 2015
UPDATE: I was unaware this was Twilight fanfic when I read this...because I was not in "the know" and, apparently, I'm completely and utterly unobservant as well. Regardless, if you want a review that's kind of separate from the whole fanfic umbrella regarding this book, here you go...

"I'm Gonna Go With 3 Stars" Stars

I'm not sure what I was expecting this book to be like...the blurb was kinda vague and Shay Savage can be kind of a wild card (which I love - she gave us both Surviving Raine and Transcendence after all - two very different and very awesome books.) So when I cracked this one open I was excited. But sadly, my overall feeling when I was done?


Please refrain from stoning me.

I am upset with myself also for not loving this; but I will keep this brief and vague so that you too can go in blind and maybe read it differently then I did.

But for me it went like this:

The beginning started off pretty strong, but then flagged a little.


There were some hot moments, complete with a crazy Shay Savage alpha male doing his crazy alpha male dance - yummy.


But the female lead in this (I don't want to spoil this "reveal" aspect of the book for anyone) felt kind of flat to me. She almost reminded me of - dare I say it - a watered down version of Raine a little bit?

Don't get me wrong, the writing was Shay Savage awesome and the story was interesting enough...I just felt like there were a lot of plot twists (some of them unnecessary?) and at the end of the day?

Profile Image for Shay Savage.
Author 45 books3,744 followers
July 29, 2014
Offside Summary:

I have to be the best. I am the best. I’m quick. I’m strong. I’m smart. I’m the star keeper of my high school soccer team, and I’ve got major leagues scouting me. As their captain, my teammates will do anything I say – on or off the field. Girls practically beg to be added to my list of conquests. As long as I manage to go pro for the best team in the world, I won’t have to worry about my father’s wrath.

I’m Thomas Malone, and I’ve seen to it that the world revolves around me.

There’s a new girl at school, and it’s just a matter of time before she gives in to my charm. This one’s just a little more stubborn than most – she won’t even tell me her name! She’s smart, too. Maybe too smart. I can’t let her in. I can’t let anybody in. I’m not too worried, but even I have to admit she’s interfering with my focus on the goal.

Dad’s not going to be happy about that.

Did I mention I love Shakespeare? Yeah, I know. I’m a walking contradiction. According to the Bard – “some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Somehow, I got all three.

Now how is anyone supposed to live up to that?

Offside is coming August 5th!
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews884 followers
March 4, 2017
4.5 Rumple Stars


Thomas Malone isn’t just the star soccer player in his small town. He owns the school, yeah he’s that guy. The one that gets what he wants, no matter what. Students, teachers.... everyone is at his mercy or really the mercy of the power his father wields in their town. But all that is about to change when she arrives.

Nicole Skye moves across the country to live with her father to have a fresh start. She knows she should stay away from guys like Malone but there is something about this boy that she can’t seem to ignore. She’s seen him arrogant and cocky, but it’s when she sees the vulnerability and the fractured pieces that she knows that there is something far more to him than just what he puts on display.

When the school rumors pick up and suddenly Nicole finds herself the center of attention, Thomas is bound to make it right. The only way to end the rumors is to claim her, ensure that everyone knows that she’s his but what starts as façade quickly changes into something more.

But for Thomas, his focus was expected to be solely on soccer. Being the best, going pro. Never letting anything take his focus away. His father won’t allow him to forget his goal and he’s the type of man to go any length to ensure that his son is not a disappointment.


When it comes to Shay Savage’s books, this isn’t my first rodeo. But this was unlike any of Shay’s prior books. The action and suspense that I have come to adore morphed into a swirl of emotions as this author took me to a place where instead of my heart racing in anticipation it was breaking.

The character development was superb. Thomas had so many sides to him; rough angles, sharp edges and soft curves. His mouth spit out venom and beauty and this girl was tumbling into a freefall of feels for this broken boy.

“They have their exits and their entrances,” I quoted. “And one man in his time plays many parts.”


Nicole, or rather, Rumple... was damn near perfect. I didn’t find the normal traits that authors tend to lean towards when creating the heroine. Not every girl has to be insecure to find love and been seen. Shay gave her a voice that was strong and tender.
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,288 reviews29 followers
December 29, 2020
I needed Lou to die by a million small cuts but still be conscious as he was lowered six feet under. A truly despicable character.
Profile Image for ✿kawehi.reviews.
1,453 reviews421 followers
August 11, 2014

3 "Rumple-Kitten" stars!! ☆

“Sometimes, I felt like the first part of my life had been played offside-- like every move I made was pointless because I could never score from where I had been. Now things were in perspective, and though it wasn't what I thought it was going to be, I knew I had the chance to make something of myself.”

Offside is one of those reads where you'll either love it or hate it.

I always try to take my reads by the grain of salt but Offside kind of started off slow, then got interesting, and at the 85% mark, it kind of fell apart for me. Was kind of anti-climatic to be honest.

Sex, trauma, abuse, self identity, and making choices. This is what this story dwindles around.

✓ Then add in a sprinkle of manwhoring and "douchebaggery"; as well as a bunch of yelling, screaming, and a sh*# load of anger issues....

✓ Not to mention: A last minute revelation that was just RANDOM and too late in the game to even matter.


So all in all,
this story was a seesaw for me really. Lots of ups and downs and sometimes red flags in my book, but, strangely okay enough for me to like it in some respect.
Profile Image for Alp.
758 reviews442 followers
September 18, 2015
At first, I thought this was just a simple sports romance, but I was wrong! Reading this book was like taking an emotional journey through good times and bad times of the hero’s life.

'An arrogant bad boy met a new girl in school.' Wasn't it something I've already read numerous times before? Oh, I was wrong again! I could tell it was different from other books. The story itself was good and interesting. The first half of the story was about Thomas and Nicole, how they met and became friends. It was OK, nothing exciting... But the second half took me by surprise! I felt like I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to see what would happen next. In my opinion, this wasn't a love story anymore, but it was a story of Thomas' life. While reading what happened to him after he broke up with Nicole, I found myself experienced intense feelings of love, hate, anger, fear, hope, trust, sorrow, and joy. I wasn’t prepared for all these emotions which the author unleashed on me, so they hit me hard!

Shay Savage did a great job of creating this likable hero. Thomas was by far the most well-developed character in this story. At the beginning, he was a bad boy, a real jerk who didn’t care if he hurt anybody’s feelings, but by the end he wasn’t the same boy whom I sometimes wanted to punch in the face! Every tough path he passed and every difficult time he had been through, all these things turned him into a MAN!

When the truth was revealed, I was so relieved. I was glad that finally Thomas had his truly happy family. I loved the epilogue, here, he was surrounded by people he loved and who unconditionally loved him back, and accepted him the way he was. I couldn’t help but shed some tears!
Profile Image for Sandra .
1,831 reviews336 followers
January 30, 2015
Formerly the Twilight fanfic OFFSIDE by the same author with the same pen name. Edward Cullen became Thomas Malone. That's about all. Nope, nope, nope.
Profile Image for Arena♡.
404 reviews715 followers
December 29, 2020
✧ 4.75 ✧

if Lou hadn't died already, i would have killed him, only to revive him and then kill him again. and then repeat this process over and over and over again. that fucker deserves to die but death might be to good a thing so i'll settle for something in between. maybe we could burn him at a stake? i've heard its the most hurtful way to die, it'd serve him right.
June 23, 2015
5 totally emotional stars! I RECOMMEND this to everyone who has ever felt like they couldn't trust anyone, like they're alone, like they can't tell anybody what's going on at home, like they had to hide who they truly are. I promise you, people notice and there are people who care enough to do something.

I swear this book is a roller coaster of emotions. I know it sounds cliche, but that's just how it is. Thomas is just a guy that you can't help but love, feel sorry for, want to take care of, hug and never let go of.

Let me start with describing MY THOMAS. *sigh* What can I say? He's imperfect. When this book started, I knew right then and there, he's wan ass. He was uncontrollable. He was kind of violent, and also kind of manipulative. He has many personas. He could be charming, sweet and disarming one minute then violent the next! He also has this weird side. His smart side. I say weird because when you read about him, the way he orders people around and the way he thinks he's the king of the school, you'd think he must not be that smart.. but nope, not him. He's asshole and genius all rolled into one. I say genius because he really is. He's good at academics, really good at literature and damn good at art!

I was intrigued by his character and a little angry about his actions...

Until I met his DAD. My anger, frustration, the want to bash someone with my e-reader? They were all focused on him and him alone. I swear. Everything that he did in this book, I wanted to somehow go inside the book, hunt him down, then burn him alive! That's how much I hate him!


Needless to say, I forgave everything that Thomas did at first because of his upbringing. There really wasn't anything to be proud about when it comes to his home life. It was just a wreck. I wanted to hug him, hell I even cried for him many times! He needed someone to save him from all that, someone who will truly care enough and someone who will stay.

That's where Nicole comes to the picture.

What can I say about Nicole? She also isn't perfect. She has a temper on her. She's sassy, sporty, has a smart mouth on her too and the way Thomas describes her, she must be oh so pretty. :) I love Nicole's attitude towards Thomas and his many personas. It's like she knows how to deal with each one of them, albeit, she had a hard time at first. I love that she stuck around. I love how she just makes everything more comfortable with him and I love just how Thomas can be himself and open up to her. I just love her for him.

The other characters are also here to make the story more real to me. For example, Nicole's dad. There are bad dads, but there are also awesome dads. One of them is Nicole's. I love how Greg can be serious one time, then all hilarious the next. I love it that he didn't let Thomas' psat reputation bother him. I'm so happy that he understands where Thomas is coming from. In end, he's one of the rocks that Thomas held on so that means a lot. He means a lot to this book! :) There are also other characters who stayed and truly wanted to help. That's amazing. It goes to show that even fictionally, people are inherently good. There are just some bad apples.

The book revolves around Thomas and his dad's want for him to be a pro soccer play. Does he want that though? To be honest, I don't know if he really knew what he wanted here -- not until the end that is because by that time, all he wanted was to be with Nicole. Haha! So there. Read and see just how far his dad will take his frustrations out on him.

It also revolves around Thomas figuring out his purpose in life. I know, I know, it's hard to know your purpose when you're just 18. However, he needed it. He needed to know that there's more to life than... well, his life at present. He needed to figure out his worth and his role in other people's lives.

Here are the questions that will be answered in this book:

✔Just how much can a boy be tortured and not fight back?
✔Just how much can he take?
✔Who will help the boy who brought the facade that he didn't need help all his life?

I'm telling you now, this book has growth. I feel like I've known Thomas' character all his life after reading this. Again, I'm saying that you'll feel so many emotions for him and with him.

Oh and while you're reading this, I advise that you remember... Everything can change in just a blink of an eye... and changes? They're not all that bad. :)

Profile Image for a.
1,235 reviews
January 6, 2015
3.865 stars! (Thanks Nicole, the decimal came in handy!)

Latch by Daniela Andrade (Cover)

So to say I had extremely high hopes about this one would be an understatement. I think I assumed I knew what kind of book this would be and figured it'd be a quick light but sexy read and then I'd go back to the books I'm supposed to be reading. Well whoops on my part because this book was nothing like I thought it would be. And that's both a good and bad thing.

This book is entirely in the male POV, Thomas Malone who is a high school soccer player who on the outside seems like he's living the perfect life. I'm not going to lie in the beginning I was all:

Thomas was such a douchebag! Like a serious, asshole. He treated everyone around him like they were beneath him and acted like he was king or something. It pissed me off so bad. I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to connect with him but upon reading a few more chapters, I learned the many costumes of Thomas.

The amount of stuff Thomas has gone through...yeah, you could say he definitely hasn't had it very easy. I don't want to give anything away but I will say that I hated his father so much. He's pure evil. Like "if he stepped into a church he would burn" kind of evil. I seriously wished death upon him so many times and I can't say I'm sad for the way things worked out for him. Maybe that's harsh, especially if you've read the book, but I don't care. I hate him.

Nicole, the heroine was also a pretty damaged character but on entirely different spectrum as Thomas. To be honest, while I love reading books in the male POV, I wish we could have gotten Nicole's POV as well. I just missed being inside the girls head and I found myself wondering what she was thinking and what her thoughts of Thomas and other things was. Shay Savage writes some of the best male POV I've ever read but I think her books would be even better if she did dual POV in her books. #justputtingthatoutthere

Now on to my thoughts of the book. I really liked it. Not as much as I thought I would, but it was an entertaining read. It was much longer then I thought it would be (almost 500 pages) but I didn't mind. But I did have some problems with it:

1.The constant use of Shakespeare quotes throughout the book and at the end of every chapter. It annoyed the crap out of me and honestly just felt weird being there. About half way through I just started skipping the quotes because they were irritating.I know Thomas says he loves Shakespeare or whatever but despite how many times he said it, I just couldn't connect it with him. It felt forced, like the author wanted him to be a certain way but his personality didn't fit it.

2. The inconsistency and open-ended issues. Things were brought up but then hardly talked about throughout the rest of the book. Like how he used to play piano, soccer, his fathers shady business. I can't say much more without giving any more spoilers but by the end of the book I realized I still had questions. I also wanted to see them together in the future more. The epilogue was just too short and lacked any real details. I wanted more.

3. And this is the hardest for me to say because I feel like I'm being a total and complete bitch but, the writing. Now I've read a few other books from this author and thought they were the bomb. I seriously loved the crap out of them and loved her writing but this one felt different. I heard that this used to be a Twilight Fanfic so maybe this is her old writing, like a back in the day/pre-serious writing Shay Savage. To be blunt, it read like a fanfic. I saw the similarities. Now, that isn't the problem. Despite the few similarities this book is very much it's own original (or as original as a fanfic can be) story. My problem is that I felt like I was reading a book off Wattpad or any other fanficition website. Which I don't have a problem with except when I'm paying $5 to read it. It's not about the money, because I spend way more money on things I absolutely don't need but...I don't know how to explain it. Just because it used to be a fanfic doesn't mean you can't polish the writing up a bit. I feel like she just picked this out of an old notebook and was like "oh yeah I remember when I wrote this" and then just published it without revising it or anything. Again, I enjoyed the book but the writing was different then what I am used to from this author. It might just be me but it bothered me.

Overall, I'd say pick this up but only if you don't mind reading fan fiction. It's actually quite entertaining but if you've never read anything from this author I'd suggest reading one of her other books like Transcendence or Surviving Raine because I feel this book doesn't show just how amazing this author's writing is. I enjoyed this book and I look forward to reading some more of this authors books!
Profile Image for Sleepless Readmore.
163 reviews307 followers
August 23, 2014

Thomas & Nicole ♥


A Shay Savage book? No questions asked. I must get my hands on, and boy did I! Flew right through this one. It wasn't as fantastic-earthshattering-mindblowing as her other novels. However, it still was pretty damn good. I adored Thomas; the love he had for Nicole was so beautiful *TEAR DROP*! Can I just say that a guy who can quote Shakespeare is pretty darn attractive and has definitely upped the stakes. The length was perfect because it was long enough that the story progressed at an appropriate speed, plot was spanned out, characters developed through out, and made me want to read it all over again. Which is strange because I don't think my heart could handle re-reading Shay Savage novels because I'm left in a mess shortly after.

- Sleepless, Readmore.

OffsideShay Savage
Profile Image for Carissa.
269 reviews63 followers
September 2, 2014

5 Arrogant and cocky Thomas you #1 SOB  STARS

Shay Savage introduces us to Thomas Malone, goalie prodigy,  teenage womanizing stud and the biggest ass there is. Not to mention the effer is freaking brilliant!! 

Such a cocky, arrogant, A-hole and I loved every minute of him through this story. All his inner ramblings, his shakespearean quotes and the holier than thou attitude.

Then in walks Nicole Skye and all thoughts and focus on the game goes straight over the net. She's different than his usual conquests. Nicole's world doesn't revolve around Thomas. Hiding painful and horrifying secrets of her own, Nicole gives just as good as she gets.

I wanted to know her.
I wanted her to know me.
Not the jerk at school.
Not the guy in the tux.
Not the goalie on the field.
Just me.

She might not have the glamour of some model types, but she had something more natural-more undeniably feminine about her. 

She also had strength-not just in her body but in her spirit.

Offside was filled with varying real life themes that I loved. My fav as usual is all the teenage drama and a lot of male possessive angst and ego. Throw in a sweet, schemxy, mysterious new girl at school, and we've got ourselves a super duper story. All his life Thomas strived for excellence, being pushed by a father that treated him indifferently by forcing Thomas to be the best and was consumed with hurt and betrayal. Initially it was enough for Thomas, but after putting life into perspective, he realized there are bigger things than being a football goalie prodigy. A lot of support and the love of girl, well hell, that can do wonders for anyone.

“Sometimes, I felt like the first part of my life had been played offside-- like every move I made was pointless because I could never score from where I had been. Now things were in perspective, and though it wasn't what I thought it was going to be, I knew I had the chance to make something of myself.”

I loved this book. It wasn't a fast paced whirlwind romance. It was simplistic and the intensity of its simplicity, with detailed depictions and emotions added so much variety to the story. I didn't want to go into to much detail with this review, some may love it, some may hate it, some may think it drags. It's slow paced and that's why I loved it. Carefully chosen words and phrases from Shakespeare also showed me the author's ability to incorporate well known literary phrases into a 21st century fiction novel.
Profile Image for Shelly Jenkins.
83 reviews16 followers
August 8, 2014
Another great one from Shay Savage. I love her character arcs. She writes these repellent men with horrible amounts of baggage and equally horrible tempers but you still fall in love with them.

The main character in Offside is Thomas, who was raised by a violent, controlling father to be an appalling womanizer and a winner at all costs. But, privately, we see he has an artist’s soul and he uses his photographic memory to remember lines from Shakespeare that he uses as his moral compass.

The heroine, Nicole, is patient and understanding and a bit of a momma bear. She helps him work out his kinks. Shay Savage’s novels are formulaic with the books being from the hero’s point of view – the men are mad, bad and dangerous to know, the heroines are understanding and feisty and the men love them to pieces – but Shay Savage’s formulas are alchemy – I can always count on them to be gold. I always buy her books when they come out and read them within a couple of days. I recommend this book highly.

The song I chose for the book is the acoustic version of “Latch” by Sam Smith. To me, the song captures the gentle, sweet side of Thomas, who notices the little things that are important and knows a good thing when he sees it and doesn’t let go. You can see a video of that song here:

Profile Image for Paloma .
750 reviews170 followers
August 10, 2014
Oh God this was good

this was so GOOD

I'm not surprised considering it by Shay...she literally cannot do any wrong.


you have to meet Thomas Malone

this story took a bite outta me

seriously I read the epilogue and i feel phantom pain.



Profile Image for Vishous.
539 reviews572 followers
January 15, 2016
I think, NO, I KNOW, I would have loved this book more, if I read it in the time when I read BD, Thoughtless, Avoiding series etc. This book would have been perfect for me back then. Just purrrfect!

It's a shame I read it this year, because it didn't sit that well with me. I don't remember where things went wrong, because I read it months ago, but I remember being very disappointed.
Profile Image for Sara.
733 reviews352 followers
August 17, 2014
I really did enjoy this book. Thomas was a senior in high school, and star soccer player. Hes a complete player with the ladies and they fall hand over foot to be the next notch in his bedpost. Although I'm pretty sure none ever made it to his bed. Hes the most popular boy, most desired, most feared...you name it. His school life he reigns supreme. At home, his father reigns with an iron fist. I absolutely HATED his father. Everything he did, everything he said. Complete and utter disgust was what I felt towards him. Thomas did everything he could to please his father, and even he knew it would never be enough, yet he never stopped trying. His father is all he has, having lost his mother 6 years prior.
Enter new girl, Nicole. She's not falling for all his initial antics. She's no stranger to Thomas' "type". Her past involves a boy similar to him, so she's got his number. But Thomas really likes something about Nicole. They end up becoming friends, spending time together. There's a few mistakes along the way, but Thomas is really blown away by the feelings he has for her. She's genuinely sweet and caring. I think she reminded him of his mother.
Thomas has to keep up pretenses for his father. His father, he's a surgeon and a mayor?? Which was kind of weird. Who in the world has time for both of those jobs?? He's very powerful in their town and puts on this façade of being a good daddy when out in public. What he does behind closed doors was another story. He's so focused on Thomas becoming pro. Thomas wants that too, but his dad is all psycho about it. He pushes him so hard. His rules and demands aren't reasonable.
Those parental demands put a strain on Thomas and Nicole. But, at Nicole's house, things are much different. Her father, the sheriff, and her have an open sweet relationship. The always offered him the truth, which was quite refreshing, and with that came a mutual respect. Because of her openness he allowed her room to breathe and make her own decisions. I loved their relationship.
Something BIG happens and it changes everything. Thomas, Thomas and Nicole, Thomas's father. Then another BIG happens. Some of the things were a bit far fetched for me. But overall I did enjoy the story. I liked the evolution of Thomas and Nicoles relationship. How he changed a lot of his ways, with a little help from unexpected people.
Profile Image for Dai.
656 reviews49 followers
July 7, 2017
para ser un fic no esta tan mal.

Con mucho drama, incluso para mi. Pero me divertí leyéndolo. Hasta me olvidé de relacionar a los personajes con los de crepúsculo como hice al principio...

Me gustó Thomas, fue un idiota durante la mitad de la historia, pero un idiota divertido por lo menos. No voy a decir que esta en mi lista de personajes amados pero al menos no va a la de odiados. Nicole, bueno. Al menos no es tan tonta.

Hay algunas cosas relacionadas con el fútbol que me parecieron poco creíbles pero si me pongo a entrar en detalles no terminaré nunca, pero si voy a criticar esto: Real Messini.

¿Qué demonios? ¿Se supone que era MI Real Madrid con el nombre de Messi en el? Dios, no. Que horror haber tenido que leer eso.
Profile Image for Ji.
252 reviews
March 31, 2015
4 Solid Stars



This story was quite dark. Holy crap the encounter between Thomas and his Dad was scary and obnoxious at times.
I think Thomas' dad was truly sick in the head. Despite it being dark I really enjoyed Thomas' and Nicole's story.
I love Shay's books because they are in the Male POV. She does it so well all the time.
Thomas was rough and sweet. You kinda hate him in the beginning, but as he starts to pursue Nicole, Thomas starts to shed his facade.

Thomas' dad is against Thomas dating. He thinks that Nicole will be a distraction to Thomas' goal. His goal is to get into Real Mensini, a huge soccer club in Europe. Soccer is all Thomas needs to breathe and know. Other than soccer it's all unnecessary distractions.
Thomas' dad pretty much owns the town. He has connections and way to many power. Thomas tries to hide his feelings for Nicole, but he isn't good at it. When Thomas' father threatens Thomas with Nicole's past, Thomas has to choose to stay away from her in order to protect her.

I love books where the male characters are such huge assholes that you hate them, but you eventually love them because they redeem themselves.
Thomas was seriously the sweetest guy, but I was glad he didn't lose his snarky personality. He was sweet, but still a jackass at times. I was glad Nicole didn't pull away when Thomas was being a dick, she always fought back and pushed Thomas.

The one thing I had a problem with this book was when Thomas called Nicole, RUMPLE, during their steamy scenes.
It kinds doused the fire that was building. A serious turn off for me. It was a cute nickname, but please not during makeout.

Other than that I thought this book was a great story about two broken people finding solace and becoming strong.
It's about redemption and love.
The epilogue was fantastic!

Profile Image for ★ Larissa ~ book crusher ~.
239 reviews80 followers
December 21, 2014
5+++++ Stars

God, how I loved this book. I can safely say Shay Savage is one of those authors that are worth every single second you spend reading her books. Offside was nothing particularly original in and of itself. It featured a basics high school premise where the jock, the quintessential bad boy meets the responsible hard to get good girl. He's relentless about his pursuit for her and eventually she discovers his deepest darkest secrets and helps liberate him, mind and soul. None of this is groundbreaking stuff. In fact all through the book the fact that this used to be Twilight fanfic was glaringly evident. I would go as far as saying this is what Twilight would have been had it had a sports theme instead of a paranormal theme. But none of that matters because the writing was so strong you can't but feel for these characters, especially Thomas. And can I say his father has got to be one of the most despicable characters I've ever come across. I could actually feel Thomas fear deep in my spine every time that monster made and appearance. Every emotion Thomas felt was real and palpable and I found myself teary eyed more than once. This has such a cracky feel to it that I honestly could not put it down. In fact that's exactly how I'd characterize Shay Savage. She's one of those absolutely crack authors for me. I practically inhale her books and this one was no exception despite the considerable length.

I heard about Transcendence from this same author and it's supposed to be really good so I might just jump in while I'm still on my Shay Savage binge. I honestly recommend this author to anybody who likes über jealous protective heroes who would stop at nothing to secure their heroine's happiness. And to anyone looking for a page turner read with a dark underbelly. This may have been YA but it felt more NA to me, especially in the themes touched upon and the level of heat and graphic sexual description. ~
Displaying 1 - 30 of 526 reviews

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